Saturday, January 31, 2009

going to the zoo? C H E E T A H...

Me and my friends have been talking about going to the zoo for the past week so we finally decided to go. You HAVE to see the inside joke. Not really good pix but it was fun so here they are:

Thursday, January 29, 2009

i love yeezy.

a soldier of free thought in a closed minded world. im ready for war.

i always felt like my best work was my next work.


the best.


p.s. want more? go to ye's blog.

Wednesday, January 28, 2009


an undisclosed location + mary + my camera =



Sunday, January 25, 2009

Oliver Twist.

On the road to nowhere...



when you know better you do better...

Kirko Bangz.

WELL, alright?

Getting home in the wee horas of the morning is N E V E R good unless you are having fun. Ive been at school for a week and a half and tonight was the first night I spent with my other family. When you speak of family you shouldnt be so quick to relate that term with blood relatives. I think family is pretty broad...considering that I grew up not really having one. Well an extended one that is. Most people are raised with their grandparents..uncles....and aunts; but all I had was mom dad and sisters.
Like I have said before I think everyone should be apart of something greater than themselves and I have done just that. Fall 2008 I became a member of Sigma Tau Theta which is a mass communications organization based on BROTHERHOOD && SISTERHOOD. Im not going to make it seem like it CHANGED my life but I came to meet a lot of great people whom I can call family.
Tonight we went and celebrated Obama's Inaguration at my sister Raquels house. Let me just say her family definitely knows how to party.
Here are the pix:
