Saturday, April 11, 2009

aint no feelin like bein free....

After an intense game of questions, I came up with the idea for my next post. Lately, Ive been focusing on fulfilling the needs of me (mind, body, and soul). For once in my life I can honestly say I am happy. Not to say Ive been depressed for the past 19 (and a half) years but I finally feel as if I'm satisfying my needs rather than those of my peers. I have had random people actually ask me why I smile so much, or how come I am always happy. In no way is this emotion derived from the desire to change other people's feelings. Like i literally cannot help it. Why? Because I am free. Yeah, you might be able to argue that this is a lie due to the eternal regulations put in place by my parents, or the setup on the world that the government has developed; but for me it doesnt even get that far. I am free in not only my actions, but also my mind and soul. No one can control my thoughts...though they can try. No one can manage my feelings...though sometimes they can influence them. I am finally beginning to realize how true all the insane theories of life are that I once heard as a child. Dk.

just a thought.



A said...

I'm glad to hear this, I think it's crazy when people ask why someone is so happy though? lol Keep your head up! ;)

Al-Asr said...

i completely feel you on this one...

Eclectic Cru said...
